

Quinta do Noval Nacional Vintage Port, Portugal

葡萄牙 Portugal > 杜羅河 Douro
國產(chǎn)多瑞加   多瑞加弗蘭卡   紅巴羅卡   羅麗紅   獵狗  
樹莓 杏仁 巧克力
關(guān)于“飛鳥園國家年份波特酒(Quinta do Noval Nacional Vintage Port, Portugal) ”的酒款綜述
關(guān)于“飛鳥園國家年份波特酒(Quinta do Noval Nacional Vintage Port, Portugal)”的評分
Robert Parker Team 由羅伯特?帕克(Robert Parker)創(chuàng)立于1978年,首創(chuàng)100分制,通過《葡萄酒倡導(dǎo)家》雜志為核心進行發(fā)布,WA、RP、eRP均指同一評分。
The 2001 Vintage Port Nacional is a typical blend, mostly Touriga Franca, Touriga Nacional, Tinta C?o, Sous?o and Tinta Roriz. Aged for 20 months in old barrels in Douro, it comes in with 19.3% alcohol and 76.8 grams per liter of residual sugar. This is a late release, declared in 2003 but just now about to hit the market. Christian Seely said: "[T]he 2001 was extremely backward and quite closed up, dense and very tannic. Since we had just declared and released the 2000 Nacional, we decided to lay down the 250 cases of Nacional 2001 ..." The late release has certainly tamed this. It still feels very firm and has a real backbone, but it is not overly drying and it is a lot more approachable than newly-released Nacionals can be. By day three, though, it was showing a bit more pure power and complexity--and it seemed far better. Its best feature is easily its crisp and fresh feel. The fruit is wonderfully lifted. If you're looking for rich, sexy and lush--this won't be that. It won't hit you over the head. However, you'll never become bored with this perfectly balanced, understated and very refined Porto. You can sit with this all night long. The long finish, on first taste, was laced with a hint of eucalyptus, but over the hours and days to come, it leaned more to baked plum, herbs and chocolate mint. It also filled the mouth and seemed rather weighty, relative to this elegant vintage in Douro. Its graceful demeanor, structure and complexity had this singing increasingly harmonious songs after several days. This will improve notably in the cellar. If you must, you can approach it now with some decanting. (It has already thrown a heavy sediment, too, so decanting is not optional.) The fruit has opened to the point where it is often expressive, but that will only improve. For someone (like me) who typically prefers Vintage Ports at around 30 to 35 years old, this is only drinking reasonably well. It is not all that close to peak. If you appreciate real complexity, keep it in the cellar for another ten years, at the least. I am not convinced that this is a truly great Nacional, but that is a very high bar. It is still pretty close to brilliant.
飛鳥園(Quinta do Noval)
飛鳥園(Quinta do Noval) 飛鳥園(Quinta do Noval)是出產(chǎn)波特酒最古老的頭牌酒莊之一。在諸多頂尖波特酒生產(chǎn)者中,飛鳥園以其葡萄采摘自單一葡萄園而令其更顯得卓爾不群。值得注意的是,酒莊以釀造出葡萄牙最佳的波特酒“Nacional”——產(chǎn)自國產(chǎn)多瑞加(Touriga Nacional)老藤單一葡萄園的混釀葡萄酒而聞名。同樣,酒莊亦出產(chǎn)… 【詳情】
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國產(chǎn)多瑞加(Touriga Nacional)
國產(chǎn)多瑞加(Touriga Nacional) 典型香氣:黑莓、黑加侖、佛手柑、胡椒、甘草、茶葉、迷迭香、巖薔薇和紫羅蘭等 起源:國產(chǎn)多瑞加(Touriga Nacional)很有可能起源于葡萄牙的杜奧(Dao)地區(qū),這一猜測并非空穴來風(fēng):首先,根據(jù)文獻記載,該品種在杜奧第一次被提及;此外,還有說法稱其名字中的“多瑞加”來源于地處杜奧的多瑞歌(Tour… 【詳情】
多瑞加弗蘭卡(Touriga Franca)
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紅巴羅卡(Tinta Barroca)
紅巴羅卡(Tinta Barroca) 紅巴羅卡(Tinta Barroca)是釀制波特酒的常見葡萄品種之一。2004年,葡萄皮較厚的紅巴羅卡在葡萄牙的總種植面積為7,400公頃,是杜羅河谷(Douro Valley)種植面積第三大的葡萄品種,多種植在地理位置較高或朝北的斜坡上。該品種產(chǎn)量較高,糖分充足,頗受種植者的喜愛。但除上述優(yōu)點外,該品種… 【詳情】
羅麗紅(Tinta Roriz)
羅麗紅(Tinta Roriz) 羅麗紅(Tinta Roriz)是西班牙紅葡萄品種丹魄(Tempranillo)在葡萄牙的官方名字。這種叫法在葡萄牙的杜羅河(Douro)谷尤為普遍,在這里,該品種是種植面積第二大的葡萄品種,主要用于釀制波特酒。 【詳情】
獵狗(Tinto Cao)
獵狗(Tinto Cao) 獵狗(Tinto Cao)的外文名意為“紅狗(Red Dog)”,它是釀制波特酒(Port)的優(yōu)質(zhì)紅葡萄品種。在杜羅河谷(Douro),該品種擁有悠久的歷史,但它在這里一度曾幾乎絕跡。獵狗被列為釀制波特酒的五種最為優(yōu)質(zhì)的葡萄品種之一(在這五種品種中,該品種并非顏色最深濃的一種),自此之后,種植者對它的興… 【詳情】
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