When it comes to the realm occupied by Zilliken’s extraordinary 2005 Saarburger Rausch Riesling Auslese Gold Capsule A.P. #8, he readily – indeed gleefully – admits to having produced remarkable volumes. “This #8 is the sort of wine of which one would ordinarily harvest two or three hundred liters,” he explains, “whereas I harvested 3,700 liters.” Date, dried apricot, grapefruit, and honey aromas set the stage for an intense mouthful of dried pit fruit concentrate, citrus, and honey that exhibits incredible focus, clarity and finishing penetration, yet comes off as gentler than several of the other Auslesen in this collection, with delicacy, refinement and lift, and among great 2005s, must count as a bargain! Also recommended: 2005 Riesling ($16.00; 85+?).Importer: Rudi Wiest, Cellars International, Carlsbad, CA; tel. 800-596-9463