

Domaine Marcel Deiss 'Burg' Bergheim, Alsace, France

法國 France > 阿爾薩斯 Alsace
關(guān)于“Domaine Marcel Deiss 'Burg' Bergheim, Alsace, France ”的酒款綜述
關(guān)于“Domaine Marcel Deiss 'Burg' Bergheim, Alsace, France”的評分
eRobertParker.com 由羅伯特?帕克(Robert Parker)創(chuàng)立于1978年,首創(chuàng)100分制,通過《葡萄酒倡導(dǎo)家》雜志為核心進行發(fā)布,WA、RP、eRP均指同一評分。
Heliotrope, lily, honeysuckle, nutmeg, and coriander sweetly and seductively scent Deiss’s 2009 Burg, and their return is supported by sweetness and complemented by seductive silkiness on an expansive and subtly oily yet buoyant palate. The overall effect pushes in a confectionary direction, and while the finish is impressively persistent, this doesn’t approach the elegance or interactive complexity of the 2008 or 2007. As for longevity, I could easily envisage this retaining its freshness and allure for 15 years, though what changes time is likely to bring other than an eventual diminution in the wine’s sense of sweetness, I won’t try to speculate. Jean-Michel Deiss’s chance-taking, late-harvesting attitude made for a 2009 collection at times excessive as measured by one or another parameter, but no one can fault its wines for the lack of personality that afflicts so many others from that vintage. Deiss was at pains to assure me that his single-vineyard 2009s would be more expressive and harmonious by autumn of 2011 although I am skeptical that the sort of awkwardness some of these wines exhibited last November will dissipate, and unfortunately, press of time and wine renders it impossible for me to taste many of the most prestigious Alsace wines twice. Deiss’s belief that diverse cepages which grow together – under the influence of the parcel’s terroir and of one another – tend to ripen together, was certainly tested in both 2009 and 2008, but even someone skeptical of that claim – and we skeptics are surely in the majority – must admit that to the extent under- and over-ripe (or botrytis-inflected) aspects coexist in one and the same wine, this need not always manifest itself as disharmony but sometimes instead can generate welcome tension, a tension especially beneficial in the context of noticeable sweetness, and something like seems to have happened with the exciting 2008s at this address. Jean-Michel Deiss remarked – apropos the preponderance of residually sweet wines at his estate (like so many in Alsace) – that with his vineyard and cellar environment, if he really wants a wine to go to dryness, he needs to work with it in barrique, otherwise he would need in most years to employ cultured yeasts, something he eschews – as he puts it – “on moral, not just aesthetic grounds, because I am not about to serve the industry that produces them.” That said, the healthy fruit and happy yeasts of 2009 as well as the high acidity of 2008 conspired to render more of the wines from these collections dry-tasting than is usual chez Deiss. Incidentally, Deiss has begun printing “premier cru” on the labels of those from among his single-vineyard blends that are not from officially grand cru-rated sites. Perhaps he feels emboldened to challenge the authorities not only because a certain amount of contrariness is in his nature, but because he has been deputized to take the lead in organizing growers around deciding what will define and constitute in Alsace the “A.O.P., “I.G.P.,” and other newly EU-mandated wine categories. Mathieu Deiss, incidentally, is taking on an increasing role at his family’s estate, and was almost as eager to discuss the wines and vines on the occasion of my November visit as his notoriously eager and eloquent father. (For further information on Deiss’s philosophy, his sites and their cepages, consult my reports in issues 175 and 188.)Importer: Vintus, Pleasantville, NY; tel. (914) 769-3000
eRobertParker.com 由羅伯特?帕克(Robert Parker)創(chuàng)立于1978年,首創(chuàng)100分制,通過《葡萄酒倡導(dǎo)家》雜志為核心進行發(fā)布,WA、RP、eRP均指同一評分。
A high-toned nose of licorice and maraschino; litchi and apricot distillate; wisteria, honeysuckle, and rowan in Deiss's tous-cepages 2008 Burg led me to anticipate even more than the modest sweetness that greets the taster on a silken palate. In a manner reminiscent of this year's Langenberg, this displays lovely lift and sheer lusciousness of fruit that engages in positively shimmering, kaleidoscopic interchange with profuse and alluring floral essences and saline, chalky, flinty mineral notes in a riveting, truly haunting finish. This should be a profound pleasure to follow for 15-20 years. Jean-Michel Deiss's chance-taking, late-harvesting attitude made for a 2009 collection at times excessive as measured by one or another parameter, but no one can fault its wines for the lack of personality that afflicts so many others from that vintage. Deiss was at pains to assure me that his single-vineyard 2009s would be more expressive and harmonious by autumn of 2011 although I am skeptical that the sort of awkwardness some of these wines exhibited last November will dissipate, and unfortunately, press of time and wine renders it impossible for me to taste many of the most prestigious Alsace wines twice. Deiss's belief that diverse cepages which grow together -"under the influence of the parcel's terroir and of one another" tend to ripen together, was certainly tested in both 2009 and 2008, but even someone skeptical of that claim "and we skeptics are surely in the majority - must admit that to the extent under- and over-ripe (or botrytis-inflected) aspects coexist in one and the same wine, this need not always manifest itself as disharmony but sometimes instead can generate welcome tension, a tension especially beneficial in the context of noticeable sweetness, and something like seems to have happened with the exciting 2008s at this address. Jean-Michel Deiss remarked -"apropos the preponderance of residually sweet wines at his estate (like so many in Alsace) " that with his vineyard and cellar environment, if he really wants a wine to go to dryness, he needs to work with it in barrique, otherwise he would need in most years to employ cultured yeasts, something he eschews " as he puts it - "on moral, not just aesthetic grounds, because I am not about to serve the industry that produces them."- That said, the healthy fruit and happy yeasts of 2009 as well as the high acidity of 2008 conspired to render more of the wines from these collections dry-tasting than is usual chez Deiss. Incidentally, Deiss has begun printing -premier cru- on the labels of those from among his single-vineyard blends that are not from officially grand cru-rated sites. Perhaps he feels emboldened to challenge the authorities not only because a certain amount of contrariness is in his nature, but because he has been deputized to take the lead in organizing growers around deciding what will define and constitute in Alsace the "A.O.P., I.G.P.," and other newly EU-mandated wine categories. Mathieu Deiss, incidentally, is taking on an increasing role at his family's estate, and was almost as eager to discuss the wines and vines on the occasion of my November visit as his notoriously eager and eloquent father. (For further information on Deiss's philosophy, his sites and their cepages, consult my reports in issues 175 and 188.)Importer: Vintus, Pleasantville, NY; tel. (914) 769-3000
Bettane et Desseauve 該雜志由法國兩位著名酒評家邁克·貝塔那(Michel Bettane)和西里·德索夫(Thierry Desseauve)創(chuàng)辦。
Stephen Tanzer 《國際葡萄酒窖》(International Wine Cellar)雜志的編輯和出版商,也是《福布斯指南》(Forbes)的葡萄酒專欄作家。
eRobertParker.com 由羅伯特?帕克(Robert Parker)創(chuàng)立于1978年,首創(chuàng)100分制,通過《葡萄酒倡導(dǎo)家》雜志為核心進行發(fā)布,WA、RP、eRP均指同一評分。
From a mixture of all Alsace’s cepages (but a plurality of Gewurztraminer) Deiss’s 2007 Burg displays a kaleidoscopically fascinating nose of blond tobacco, graphite, brown spices, talk, peat, musk, and citrus, indeed, if you didn’t know, you might be tempted to ask “What all’s in this?!” to which the answer would be “some of everything.” In this instance, you could be forgiven for speculating that some Cabernet Sauvignon had snuck in from the Medoc. The oily rich palate features tactile impinged by brown spices, chalk, peat, and graphite; and I am only a bit disappointed by the extent to which sweetness dominates the finish. But this will be worth holding for 15 or more years and in the process the balance should improve. Deiss didn’t even bother to harvest a 2006 from this deeply-soiled site, he explained, “because it’s like a sponge, and warm to boot,” thus ideally designed to exacerbate the vintage’s challenges. Jean-Michel Deiss has been officially tasked with assisting his fellow Alsace growers in the drafting of new regional regulations and labeling conventions, in keeping with both France’s proposed move to a higher-order French appellation “d’Origine Protegee” and with the potential regional autonomy provided for (if inchoately) by recent EU legislation. As readers can imagine, Deiss’s vision involves a drastically diminished scope and roll for varietal bottling, analogous to his conception of Alsace crus as being best expressed by a blending of multiple cepages. (For more on the evolution of Deiss’s approach, consult my report in issue 175). Two things are indubitable: Alsace could use fresh approaches to labeling and marketing; and any Deiss proposal will have been thought-through all the way down to its historical and metaphysical levels. Deiss’s own line and labeling have been further simplified: beginning with 2006 his lower tier of wines is being bottled without village designations, leaving him more flexibility in blending. Although Deiss did not bottle a full compliment of his crus from the rot-challenged 2006 vintage, he said he was loath to pull back by settling his musts more aggressively of bottling earlier, “because the lees are the megaphone for the terroir.” Fair enough in principle, but the results were to say the least decidedly mixed, whereas Deiss’s 2007s represent a resounding success. (Deiss did not show me his lower-tier 2006s and I did not have chance to ferret any of them out from the marketplace.)Importer: Vintus, Pleasantville, NY; tel. (914) 769-3000
苔絲美人酒莊(Domaine Marcel Deiss)
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本酒款產(chǎn)區(qū)資料ABOUT REGION
阿爾薩斯(Alsace) 圖片來源:www.hugel.fr 阿爾薩斯(Alsace)位于法國的東北角,與德國相鄰。產(chǎn)區(qū)形狀狹長,分為南北兩部分:上萊茵(Haut-Rhin)和下萊茵(Bas-Rhin)。產(chǎn)區(qū)西邊是著名的孚日山脈(Vosges),東邊則是萊茵河(Rhine River)。這條曲折的萊茵河正好成為了德法天然的國土分界線。   從文化上… 【詳情】
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