

Zilliken Saarburger Rausch Riesling Auslese Long Gold Capsule A P #1

德國 Germany > 摩澤爾 Mosel
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關(guān)于“Zilliken Saarburger Rausch Riesling Auslese Long Gold Capsule A P #1”的評分
eRobertParker.com 由羅伯特?帕克(Robert Parker)創(chuàng)立于1978年,首創(chuàng)100分制,通過《葡萄酒倡導(dǎo)家》雜志為核心進(jìn)行發(fā)布,WA、RP、eRP均指同一評分。
Hanno Zilliken’s search for what he calls “the perfect Auslese” culminates in a 2010 Saarburger Rausch Riesling Auslese long gold capsule A.P. #1, the last of four wines (all but one, Auslese) that he offered for auction the week after I tasted with him in September. Lime zest; musky, sharp rose-radish; truffle; and alkaline, saline sea breeze lend the nose an ominously prickly and intriguing aura. This hits the palate with such implosive concentration that it tugs at your tear ducts as much as your salivary glands. Imagine simultaneous immersion in fresh lemon and lime juice; a field full of fungus; peach and mango preserves; and the ocean. The adjectives “bright,” “severe,” and “gripping” don’t begin to do justice to what I’m experiencing while hooked up to this Riesling. Don’t even think of touching the cables much less changing the battery on such a high-voltage, spark-throwing self-charging power-pack. Perhaps take a peak under the cork in five or six years? I’m really not sure what that will tell us. But I am guessing perhaps in two decades things will take shape, and we’ll know how close this already formidable accomplishment came to Zilliken’s dream of Auslese perfection. The wine will probably outlive all but a few folks who read this note in 2012.Hanno and Dorothee Zilliken’s 2010 collection has served for some controversy in that they not only – like Schaefers in Graach – adopted the minority position that de-acidification should be to wine, not must, but also – in this respect unlike Schaefers – performed acid-adjustments throughout their residually sweet line-up. Not that the extreme nature of what they eventually bottled could possible fail in itself to raise eyebrows. To declare myself up front (not that this isn’t evident from my scores!): I found this year’s collection chez Zilliken utterly awesome and cannot imagine that somehow seeds of early decline or subsequent disappointment are harbored in any of these wines on account of their levels of acid having been trimmed from the perilous heights where nature had left them. The view is dizzying enough (as befits the name “Rausch”) at the altitudes Hanno Zilliken chose for these Rieslings’ flight paths. “It was the tiny, millerandaged berries with their thick skins and the extreme, protracted shriveling by wind and botrytis that characterized this vintage and that concentrated everything in the grapes including ripe acidity. But even such high extract and ripeness,” insists Zilliken, “often wouldn’t have sufficed to achieve balance. Maybe in their youth, but once the baby fat was gone the acids would have come through too aggressively.” He grants, though, that experience with acid levels as high as these was formerly confined to unripe vintages (such as several he suffered through when he took over his family’s estate in the 1980s) or Eiswein. “If you’re talking about a half a gram or one gram of acid adjustment, you’re talking there about 50 or 100 liters of totally de-acidified and filtered wine blended back into a thousand liter fuder, and I just don’t see any danger. For the first two weeks, all we did was seek- and pick-out shriveled material,” narrates Zilliken, who when I ask him about his “main harvest,” replies, laughing: “What harvest? There really wasn’t much left to do after that! But those grapes that did remain healthy and green were incredibly stable. We let them hang and then picked them at the very end for our dry wines which we didn’t de-acidify. There was no Q.b.A., Kabinett, or Spatlese (he means by must weight): Auslese was the least that we harvested. After the 2005s,” Zilliken sums-up, “we thought we could never again see such a vintage of superlatives; yet 2010 in some ways begins where 2005 left off.” Only in Pradikat-labeling did this differ from previous top Zilliken collections. Waiting for Eiswein was judged a fool’s errand since Eiswein-like concentration and acidity pervaded the lot, which in turn, Zilliken thought, kept any from having genuine B.A. or T.B.A. character. An “I-don’t-know-how-they-did-it, but” feeling accompanied me as I toured what this estate had wrought in 2010.Importer: Rudi Wiest, Cellars International, Carlsbad, CA 800 596 9463
本酒款釀酒葡萄資料ABOUT GRAPE
雷司令(Riesling) 典型香氣:椴花、青蘋果、葡萄、檸檬、青檸、柑橘、桃子、杏、菠蘿、芒果、蜂蜜、烘烤和煙熏等 起源:雷司令(Riesling)是德國最古老的葡萄品種之一,該品種于1435年第一次在文獻(xiàn)中被提及,很可能起源于德國的萊茵高(Rheingau)地區(qū)。DNA檢測結(jié)果表明,雷司令與西歐最古老、多產(chǎn)的葡萄品種之一——白高維… 【詳情】
本酒款產(chǎn)區(qū)資料ABOUT REGION
摩澤爾(Mosel) 摩澤爾(Mosel)產(chǎn)區(qū)的葡萄酒產(chǎn)量位居德國13大產(chǎn)區(qū)中的第三位,但其國際知名度卻領(lǐng)先于其他產(chǎn)區(qū)。在1997年8月1日以前,它的名字一直是摩澤爾·薩爾·烏沃(Mosel-Saar-Ruwer),但之后統(tǒng)稱為摩澤爾(Mosel),方便消費(fèi)者記憶。該產(chǎn)區(qū)位于蜿蜒曲折的摩澤爾(Mosel River)河的兩岸,穿… 【詳情】
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