

Weingut Clemens-Busch Marienburg Fahrlay Riesling Grosses Gewachs, Mosel, Germany

德國 Germany > 摩澤爾 Mosel
清亮的 濃郁 辛辣 略顯 醇厚 風味 豐滿 緊致 溫和
關于“Weingut Clemens-Busch Marienburg Fahrlay Riesling Grosses Gewachs, Mosel, Germany ”的酒款綜述
關于“Weingut Clemens-Busch Marienburg Fahrlay Riesling Grosses Gewachs, Mosel, Germany”的評分
eRobertParker.com 由羅伯特?帕克(Robert Parker)創(chuàng)立于1978年,首創(chuàng)100分制,通過《葡萄酒倡導家》雜志為核心進行發(fā)布,WA、RP、eRP均指同一評分。
Pungent lemon rind, lavender, and cinnamon on the nose of the Busch 2009 Pundericher Marienburg Fahrlay Riesling Grosses Gewachs lead into a bright, tight, firm, but (at 13.8% alcohol) substantial palate, with piquant spiciness and toasted nuts lending stimulating impingement to a slightly warm but persistently sappy finish. Skin contact of 12-18 hours has enhanced the phenolic intensity of Busch’s Grosses Gewachs trio, but I am inclined to believe that whether this was entirely a good thing will only be evident a few years down the road. In addition, more generosity might be evident once these wines have put even a bit more time between them and their bottling dates. Certainly I would expect this imposing if not particularly charming wine to be worth following for at least a half dozen years. “It was no lovely autumn,” notes Clemens Busch candidly. “We had to pick our botrytis wines very early. We had regular rain from the end of October on, and one really had to take great advantage of the dry days to finish.” Busch reports that while his lower-tier lots largely fermented unproblematically to dryness, his riper single-vineyard bottlings were sluggish, several ending up in the legally halbtrocken territory that I have personally tended to prefer at this address, not least because of the tendency for the trocken lots to betray elevated alcohol. Busch – for more about whose methods, style, and vineyards consult the estate introductions as well as the tasting notes in others of my recent Mosel reports – is unwilling to employ cultured yeasts or otherwise intervene to achieve legal dryness. In view of an unfounded and frankly uninformed phobia many Riesling lovers have when it comes to the very idea, it should be pointed out that most of Busch’s dry-tasting Rieslings have since 2001 undergone malo-lactic transformation. That did not however happen with his 2008s (whose high pH levels precluded it) and only selectively with these 2009s. Furthermore, in Busch’s cellar, this transformation – normally not profound, as his ripe fruit is typically not high in malic acid – generally takes place as an interruption during – rather than subsequent to – the alcoholic fermentation. This peculiarity, he contends, explains the absence of diacetyl or other problematic potential byproducts. Even the lighter cuvees here were not bottled until the three weeks leading up to my mid-September visit, and among those wines then being prepped for bottling were a Felsterrasse and Raffes too shaken-up from filtration for me to judge. That the nobly sweet wines here are as notable for their high quality as their abundance I suppose doesn’t need repeating, provided you survey my ratings.Mosel Wine Merchant Trier, Germany (various importers); tel. (413) 429-6176; +49 (0) 651 14551 38; also imported by Ewald Moseler Selections, Portland OR tel. 888 274 4312
本酒款釀酒葡萄資料ABOUT GRAPE
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