

Clemens Busch Riesling Kabinett Halbtrocken

德國 Germany > 摩澤爾 Mosel
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關于“Clemens Busch Riesling Kabinett Halbtrocken ”的酒款綜述
關于“Clemens Busch Riesling Kabinett Halbtrocken”的評分
Wine Advocate 由羅伯特?帕克(Robert Parker)創(chuàng)立于1978年,首創(chuàng)100分制,通過《葡萄酒倡導家》雜志為核心進行發(fā)布,WA、RP、eRP均指同一評分。
The Busch 2008 Kabinett halbtrocken (the sole remaining wine at this estate labeled “halbtrocken”) emphasizes green tea and grapefruit, and although some of the smokier more intense pungency of its trocken counterpart is hinted at, the slight bit of residual sugar – while scarcely noticeable as sweetness – lifts the fruit and lends a greater measure of sappy, primary fruit appeal, not to mention more sense of vintage-typical levity thanks to lower alcohol. Comparison is admittedly not entirely fair since the slow-fermenting trocken rendition needs time to slough off its fermentative overtones. Enjoy this today, and see whether you prefer the drier wine later. Clemens Busch – for more about whose impressive efforts in organically farming diverse sites the length of the long, steep Marienburg consult my reports in issues 179 and 185 – pushed many of his 2008s to extremes of dryness or sweetness. The majority of his dry-tasting wines – most of which did not finish fermenting until early summer – were rendered legally trocken (some of them offered as Grosse Gewachse and some to be released late), and while alcohol per se was seldom a problem this year, I found some of these wines austere, inelegant and charmless. (Dry wines here, incidentally, often go through malolactic transformation, but apparently due to such low pHs in 2008, only a single lot did so. There was however, reports Busch, extensive tartrate precipitation, which lowered the levels of tartaric acid, but automatically enhanced the ratio of green apply malic acidity.) This is not to say there aren’t many bottlings I found impressive and even beautiful in the present collection, especially – for those who don’t mind very prominent sweetness – the range of ennobled wines. Busch didn’t even launch his “pre-harvest” passes through the vineyards until nearly mid-October, and began serious harvesting only toward the end of that month, finishing in the third week of November, “but,” as he says, “it was a harvest that demanded a lot of time, because one day you could pick, and the next you had to wait” due to inclement weather, “and the botrytis often developed negatively,” demanding painstaking selection. Apropos the precariousness of Mosel wine culture, here is an amazing statistical anecdote Busch offered. The quality and character of his wines, he believes, is dependent on the high percentage of ancient vines trained in the traditional manner (a.k.a. Stockkultur) to a single stake, with two canes. A single, middle-aged woman who has no protegee is responsible for binding the canes on 80% of Busch’s roughly 25 acres of vines, a talent she acquired out of personal passion, and one that only a handful of even septuagenarian Moselaner any longer possess!Mosel Wine Merchant selections (various importers), Trier, Germany; fax 011 49 (0)651-14551 39; also imported by Ewald Moseler Selections, Portland OR tel. 888 274 4312
本酒款釀酒葡萄資料ABOUT GRAPE
雷司令(Riesling) 典型香氣:椴花、青蘋果、葡萄、檸檬、青檸、柑橘、桃子、杏、菠蘿、芒果、蜂蜜、烘烤和煙熏等 起源:雷司令(Riesling)是德國最古老的葡萄品種之一,該品種于1435年第一次在文獻中被提及,很可能起源于德國的萊茵高(Rheingau)地區(qū)。DNA檢測結(jié)果表明,雷司令與西歐最古老、多產(chǎn)的葡萄品種之一——白高維… 【詳情】
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