The 2008 Barbera d’Asti Bricco della Bigotta shows terrific concentration and richness in its dark fruit. This is a focused, mineral-laced Bigotta that impresses for its length and overall sense of balance. Wild cherries, flowers, tar and licorice linger on the soft finish. Anticipated maturity: 2012-2022. These are some of the most exciting wines I have tasted from Braida in a long time. In particular, the 2008 Barbere are exceptional. It’s hard to tell how much of that is attributable to the vintage itself versus winemaking, but the simple reality is that the 2008s are beautiful, elegant, refined Barbere that avoid the excessive heaviness that was common in the past.Importer: Vinifera Imports, Ronkonkoma, NY; tel. (631) 467-5907