Their 2005 Gruner Veltliner Wachau represents a fine value, smelling of pea tendrils and lentils, offering a soft palate impression and a lovely balance of fresh, juicy fruit backed by a subtle hint of (five grams) sweetness with just a bit of a Veltliner-typical bite in the back. This wine and a generic Riesling continue to carry the name “Freie Weingartner” while the rest of the wines reviewed on this occasion are all labeled as “Domane Wachau.” Also recommended: 2005 Gruner Veltliner Steinfeder Terrassen (not available; 84), 2005 Gruner Veltliner Federspiel Terrassen ($11.00; 85), 2005 Gruner Veltliner Federspiel Kollmitz (not available; 84), 2005 Riesling Wachau ($11.00; 85), 2005 Riesling Federspiel Loibenberg (not available; 86).Importer: Vin Divino, Chicago, IL; tel. (773) 334-6700