The 2006 Riesling GB Charm – uniting fruit from the Rudesheimer Drachenstein with that of Rauenthaler Nonnenberg and Rothenberg – is almost Mosel-like in its floral aromas and delicacy, full of refreshing acidity, and finishes dry (though technically halbtrocken), with juicy fresh fruit tinged by saline and chalky mineral notes. Heinrich Breuer and Hermann Schmoranz began their Riesling harvest October 6, and finished in record time. Selective picking and watchful decantation and selection of the musts, rather than the use of treatments, was the approach taken here to the problematic health and botrytis of the vintage. The results included a 40% reduction in volume over their recent average.Imported by Classical Wines, Seattle, WA; tel. (206) 547-0255