

Kistler Vineyards Hudson Vineyard Chardonnay, Carneros, USA

美國 USA > 納帕谷 Napa Valley
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關(guān)于“吉斯特勒哈德森園霞多麗白葡萄酒(Kistler Vineyards Hudson Vineyard Chardonnay, Carneros, USA) ”的酒款綜述
此款酒來自吉斯特勒酒莊,釀酒葡萄產(chǎn)自單一葡萄園——哈德森園(Hudson Vineyard)。該酒多次獲得葡萄酒專業(yè)評分機構(gòu)90分以上的評分,品質(zhì)上乘。散發(fā)出微妙的受海洋影響的礦物質(zhì)和碘的味道,以及核果、碎柑橘的香氣。酒體中等,口感集中濃郁,酸度活潑,余味是悠長且溫和的酵母味。
關(guān)于“吉斯特勒哈德森園霞多麗白葡萄酒(Kistler Vineyards Hudson Vineyard Chardonnay, Carneros, USA)”的評分
Wine Advocate 由羅伯特?帕克(Robert Parker)創(chuàng)立于1978年,首創(chuàng)100分制,通過《葡萄酒倡導(dǎo)家》雜志為核心進行發(fā)布,WA、RP、eRP均指同一評分。
The 2009 Chardonnay Hudson Vineyard bursts onto the palate with waves of fruit. This is yet another dazzling wine from Kistler endowed with tremendous depth, detail and classiness. Smoke, crushed rocks and apricots are woven into the fabric of this seamless showstopper. The creamy, expansive finish makes it hard to resist a second taste. Anticipated maturity: 2012-2019. I was blown away by these wines from Steve Kistler, his partner Mark Bixler and assistant winemaker Jason Kesner. Over the last few years Kistler has refined his approach, as he wasn’t totally satisfied by the way some of his earlier wines had developed in bottle. Today Kistler is picking his Chardonnays at lower Brix levels, using less French oak (with no stirring of the lees) and keeping the wines in barrel for a shorter amount of time, all in an effort to preserve as much freshness as possible. The result is wines that are totally different in style from past years. The Pinots see a maximum of 50% new oak barrels and that number will continue to trend downwards over the next few years. The 2009 harvest started around September 4 for both Chardonnay and Pinot. The 2009s were bottled in December 2010. Unfortunately, I was not able to taste the 2010s, as they had been bottled just prior to my visit. I will taste those wines in October, 2012. A frequent source of frustration among Wine Advocate readers has been the lack of in-the-bottle reviews for Kistler wines. Beginning this year, all wines tasted from barrel will be subsequently reviewed from bottle as well. Readers who haven’t tasted the Kistler wines in some time owe it to themselves to do so. These are some of the most thrilling wines being made in California today.Tel. (707) 823-5603, www.kistlervineyards.com
Robert Parker Team 由羅伯特?帕克(Robert Parker)創(chuàng)立于1978年,首創(chuàng)100分制,通過《葡萄酒倡導(dǎo)家》雜志為核心進行發(fā)布,WA、RP、eRP均指同一評分。
The 2009 Chardonnay Hudson Vineyard bursts onto the palate with waves of fruit. This is yet another dazzling wine from Kistler endowed with tremendous depth, detail and classiness. Smoke, crushed rocks and apricots are woven into the fabric of this seamless showstopper. The creamy, expansive finish makes it hard to resist a second taste. Anticipated maturity: 2012-2019. I was blown away by these wines from Steve Kistler, his partner Mark Bixler and assistant winemaker Jason Kesner. Over the last few years Kistler has refined his approach, as he wasn’t totally satisfied by the way some of his earlier wines had developed in bottle. Today Kistler is picking his Chardonnays at lower Brix levels, using less French oak (with no stirring of the lees) and keeping the wines in barrel for a shorter amount of time, all in an effort to preserve as much freshness as possible. The result is wines that are totally different in style from past years. The Pinots see a maximum of 50% new oak barrels and that number will continue to trend downwards over the next few years. The 2009 harvest started around September 4 for both Chardonnay and Pinot. The 2009s were bottled in December 2010. Unfortunately, I was not able to taste the 2010s, as they had been bottled just prior to my visit. I will taste those wines in October, 2012. A frequent source of frustration among Wine Advocate readers has been the lack of in-the-bottle reviews for Kistler wines. Beginning this year, all wines tasted from barrel will be subsequently reviewed from bottle as well. Readers who haven’t tasted the Kistler wines in some time owe it to themselves to do so. These are some of the most thrilling wines being made in California today. Tel. (707) 823-5603, www.kistlervineyards.com
吉斯特勒酒莊(Kistler Vineyards) 1979年,吉斯特勒酒莊(Kistler Vineyards)由史蒂夫?吉斯特勒(Steve Kistler)和他的家人在梅亞卡瑪斯山(Mayacamas Mountains)建立,主要釀造優(yōu)質(zhì)的霞多麗(Chardonnay)和黑皮諾(Pinot Noir)葡萄酒。第一次釀酒是在1979年,這款1979年霞多麗年份酒的總產(chǎn)量為3,500箱?,F(xiàn)在,該酒莊平均年產(chǎn)量在20,000箱左右,其中… 【詳情】
本酒款釀酒葡萄資料ABOUT GRAPE
霞多麗(Chardonnay) 典型香氣:檸檬、西柚、菠蘿、甜瓜、蘋果、梨、杏仁、山楂花、椴花、蜂蜜、新鮮奶油、烤面包、烤杏仁和烤榛子等起源:霞多麗(Chardonnay)原產(chǎn)于法國索恩魯瓦爾省(Saone-et-Loire),里昂(Lyon)和第戎(Dijon)之間,主要在金丘(Cote d' Or)、索恩魯瓦爾(Saone-et-Loire)和馬恩(Marne)產(chǎn)區(qū)。該品種在17世… 【詳情】
本酒款產(chǎn)區(qū)資料ABOUT REGION
納帕谷(Napa Valley) 提到美國葡萄酒,我們首先想到加利福尼亞州(California),而提到加利福尼亞州葡萄酒,我們則首先會想到納帕谷(Napa Valley)。毫無疑問,它是全美最著名的葡萄酒產(chǎn)區(qū)。納帕谷有迷人的陽光,清涼的海風,優(yōu)質(zhì)的美酒,時不時飄散出陣陣迷人的酒香,令人著迷。曾有人把納帕谷比喻成葡萄酒愛好者的… 【詳情】
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