Produced as an unusual barrel-fermented blend of Sauvignon Blanc with 40% Verdejo, Godello and some other white varieties (Riesling and Gewürztraminer), the 2014 Le Domaine matured in French oak barrels for some five months. While warm, 2014 seems to follow the stellar duo of vintages ending in four, 1994 and 2004, and people are anticipating some superb reds for that vintage. For now, this white is very aromatic and has very good acidity. The oak is perfectly integrated and the Sauvignon is picked very ripe to avoid the green aromas; there is only a hint of creaminess, with some white flowers and wild herbs, fennel, aniseed, white pear and some apples. 2014 is a powerful vintage and this white feels very balanced, fresh and vibrant, yet concentrated and with a slightly bitter finish. I need to taste one of those old bottles one of these days, as it's drinking well young, but they tell me it ages like the angels... I might be giving a very short drinking window here. 14,000 bottles and 900 magnums.