The white 2015 Contino is a classic blend of 85% Viura, 10% Garnacha Blanca and 5% Malvasía Riojana that went through a cold maceration, before fermenting in small stainless steel vats and one 700-liter Nomblot, egg-shaped, cement vat that was first used in 2014. The wine finished fermentation in 350- and 500-liter (mostly new) barriques with a handful of acacia wood barrels thrown in, where it matured for six/seven months with batonnage twice per week; it was then transferred to stainless steel vats again. It doesn't go through malolactic fermentation to keep acidity. Even with that I find the acidity on the lowish side, and a ripe and glycerin-rich vintage might give a slightly bittersweet sensation. The nose is quite straightforward with white fruit and flower aromas, with almost unnoticeable oak and just a pinch of spices and balsamic aromas (bay leaf). 9,000 bottles produced and filled in June 2016, two days before I tasted it.