The 2014 Chryseia is a nearly equal blend of Touriga Nacional and Touriga Franca, aged for 15 months in new French oak. It comes in at 14.2% alcohol. Like a lot of wines in this vintage, this does seem to be on the lighter side, but it provides fruit and flavor, plus some tension on the finish that allows those flavors to linger. Admittedly, some of that flavor just now is oak-related, but that will subside steadily. This should turn into a beautiful Bordeaux-like wine with mid-palate finesse and unexpected intensity in the right places. I was a little surprised at how much I liked this, given the very tough vintage, but it looks like a fine performance in an off vintage, the only question being its concentration. As with many wines in vintages like this, I do sometimes wonder if it will reward aging or thin too quickly, but right at the moment, this will make people pretty happy. Give it a year or two to settle in. It should be on the early-maturing side. This is going to be a seductive Chryseia in the short to mid-term. After that, we'll see where we are.