The 1995 Barolo Ciabot Mentin Ginestra offers a knock-out nose of tobacco, mint, dried red fruits, balsam wood, and cherry liqueur. There are tons of glycerin, low acidity, medium to full body, and striking richness and lushness. It is about as sexy a 1995 Barolo as readers will find. I would opt for drinking it over the next decade as it is already irresistible. One of the most gifted winemakers in Piedmont, Domenico Clerico has fashioned this riveting wine from the vineyards surrounding the village of Monforte d'Alba. Clerico utilizes rotary fermenters, and new oak. This a wine of extraordinary richness, amazing aromatics, and a sensual personality that satiates both the hedonistic and intellectual senses.
A Marc de Grazia Selection, various American importers, including Michael Skurnik, Syosset, NY; tel. (516) 677-9300, Vin Divino, Chicago, IL; tel. (773) 334-6700, and Estate Wines, Ltd., San Rafael, CA; tel. (415) 492-9411